Enroll in Prayas
Enroll in Prayas
One Month Residential Program at IIT
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Skills and Expertise You will Develop Here
This curriculum ensures a balanced mix of theory and application, preparing students for future opportunities in technology and innovation. The students will:
Develop a strong foundation in Arduino, Python, and AI
Integrate sensors and process real-time data
Build machine learning models and apply computer vision
Gain practical experience through hands-on projects

Embedded Systems & Arduino Basics

Advanced Arduino & Sensor Integration

Python & AI Fundamentals

Computer Vision & Project Implementation
Prayas 3.0 Tentative Overall Plan
Day 1
Inaguration ceremony (Starts at 9:30 am)
- Project Demo
- Introduction to embedded systems and its applications
- Computer Languages and Algorithms
Day 2
Embedded Development board:Arduino Uno and Arduino IDE
- Basics of Arduino C Programming
- Introduction to Arduino Simulator
- Arduino Sketch Structure and Flow
Day 3
Arduino Sketch Main Loop, Calling Functions,Tokens (5 Types),
Variables (int, float, string),Data Types
- Arithmetic and Logical, Relational, and Increment Operators , Conditional Statements (If , If else, If-else-If )
- Arduino Programming Exercise-I( Main Loop, Calling Functions, Data types)
- Arduino Programming Exercise-II((If , If else, If-else-If )
Day 4
Arduino Functions, Returning a Value from a Function, Serial
Funtions, User Defined Functions
- Arduino Programming for Loop , While loop, Arrays, Strings,Basic input/output
- Arduino Programming Exercise-III(Functions, Serial Funtions, User Defined Functions)
- Arduino Programming Exercise-IV (Loop , While loop, Arrays, Strings,Basic input/output)
Day 5
Introduction to Analog digital Concepts, Sensors ( IR sensor,
Ultrasonic Distance Sensor)
- Temperature Sensors , LDR Sensor, DHT Sensor
- Arduino IDE installation and driver installation
- Testing the Arduino Development board and running onboard Led Blink Program
Day 6
Visit to Central Workshop/ Tinkering Lab
- Visit to Central Workshop/ Tinkering Lab
Day 7
MCQ Test
- MCQ Test
Day 8
Introduction to Robotics and Its applications
- Robotic Arm (3-DoF), Forward and Inverse Kinematics
- Arduino Interfacing withTemperature Sensors and LDR Sensor
- Arduino Interfacing with Ultrasonic Sensor
Day 9
Wheeled Mobile Robot, Mathematical Model
- Aerial Robot , Mathematical Model
- Arduino Interfacing with DHT sensor and Data Logging
- Minor Project- I
Day 10
Introduction to DC Motor , Types of DC motors used in
- Servo Motor and PWM concept
- Arduino Interfacing with DC motor, Forward and Reverse direction control
- Arduino Interfacing with Servo motor
Day 11
Wireless Communication via Bluetooth Module, Configuring
Bluetooth Module
- Essential components of Two Wheeled Mobile Robot
- Arduino Interfacing with Bluetooth Module
- Android Mobile App: Blynk and its features, Turning on-off Led Exercise
Day 12
Mobile Robot Programming (Arduino Simulator)
- Assembly of Mobile Robot-I ( Lab )
- Assembly of Mobile Robot-II
- Testing of Mobile Robot
Day 13
Visit to Robotics Lab
- Visit to Robotics Lab
Day 14
MCQ Test
- MCQ Test
Day 15
Inducstry 4.0, Internet of Things and Its applications
- Porgramming Concept and Demostration of Mobile Robot
- Smart Phone Control Mobile Robot
- Smart Phone Control Mobile Robot
Day 16
Developing Obstacal Avoidance Algorithm-I
- Developing Obstacal Avoidance Algorithm-II and Robot Demonstartion
- Two Wheeled Obstacle Avoidance Robot
- Two Wheeled Obstacle Avoidance Robot
Day 17
Developing Line following Algorithm-I
- Developing Line following Algorithm-II and Line Following Robot Demonstartion
- Line following robot
- Line following robot
Day 18
Developing Wall following Algorithm-I
- Developing Wall following Algorithm-II and Wall Following Robot Demonstartion
- Wall following robot
- Wall following robot
Day 19
Basics of Python Programming Language
- Introduction to Jupyter Notebook and Google Colab
- Setting up Python and Jupyter Notebook
- Python Programming Exercises
Day 20
Plantation Drive
- Plantation Drive
Day 21
MCQ Test
- MCQ Test
Day 22
Conditional Statements in Python
- For and While Loops in Python
- Python Programming Lab Exercise-III
- Data Visualization notebook: Plotting and analysing real world data
Day 23
Introduction to AI and Machine Learning
- Introduction to Neural Networks : Perceptron Model
- Python Programming for Perceptron Model
- Trianing and Testing of Perceptron Model for ANDLogic
Day 24
Multilayer Neural Network (MLNN)
- Multilayer Neural Network (MLNN)
- Python Programming for MLNN
- Python Programming for MLNN -XOR dataset
Day 25
Image Classification using CNN
- Object Detectin using YOLO
- Image Classification Exercise
- Object detection Exercises
Day 26
Basics of Computer Vision-I & II
- Basics of Computer Vision-I
- Basics of Computer Vision-II
- OpenCV based CV Exercise-I
- OpenCV based CV Exercise-II
Day 27
Basics of Computer Vision-III & IV
- Basics of Computer Vision-III
- Basics of Computer Vision-IV
- OpenCV based CV Exercise-III
- OpenCV based CV Exercise-IV
Day 28
MCQ Test
- MCQ Test
Day 29
Expert Lecture - I
- Expert Lecture - II
- Demonstration of Robotics Projects
- Demonstration of AI projects
Day 30
Closing Ceremony
- Closing Ceremony